
Was this intentional?

I heard Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the radio today. I wasn't sure I'd heard what I thought I had, so I dug up the quote off the net. Here's what she said:

"[W]e are moving the ship of state in a New Direction, in favor of the many, not the few."

Which is strangely reminiscent of a famous quote from Spock:

“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few … or the one.”
So, is she quoting Spock, or is there some alternate source that they're both referencing? And if she's quoting Spock, how long will it be before she's opening her statements with the current stardate?


Shelley said...

Pelosi is Spock in drag. Seriously, she is. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know, but any time a politician has an idea my wallet gets beat like a rented mule.

Anonymous said...

BA... That is because you are the few. Don't worry you don't need that money that you work so hard for. Nancy Pelosi is going to make sure to give it to someone else who needs it more than you. You know.... the needs of the many...

TheFishmonger said...

So when will you all join me and start letting your kids know that Robin Hood was a bad guy?

Anonymous said...

I never thought about it but I guess he's only a hero if you're poor. Though I think back then you were born into a life of being poor. Now a days you can make as much money as you are willing to work for. Well, at least you used to be able to.

