
Family medical update!

TheBoy was recently tested for cystinuria (the genetically-determined amino acid re-uptake disease that TheGirl has), and the test has come back negative. They actually had to tape a plastic bag to his privates in order to collect the urine. Took him 3 (yes, 3!) hours to relax enough to go with a bag taped to him. But he eventually did, and it's come back clean. Whew! So that’s one bullet dodged.

But it turns out there’s another slim chance of a problem. The urinalysis that ruled out cystinuria did show slightly elevelated levels of a couple of the amino acids. Apparently, the results were borderline for fanconi syndrome (not to be confused with fanconi anemia. TheBoy doesn’t seem to have any of the symptoms of the disease (including failure to grow, and rickets!), so we’re probably OK. But, just in case, we’re going to get the blood test done, in order to definitively rule it out. Fingers crossed!

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