
Christopher Walken Cooks

I find this video of Christopher Walken making roasted chicken and pears to be, well, obsession-inducing. I swear, I just found out about it 15 minutes ago, and I've already watched it three times. Is it his voice? The strangely ordinary look of his kitchen? His fascination with the roasting rack? I just don't know... My favorite moment occurs right before the end:
"They get like little cookies. They're very tasty. I save them."
I get chills.
I think I'm losing my mind.

PS: Rhesusmonkey wonders:
Do you think he just breaks into houses when people are away, then cooks chicken and lets the family cat eat it? Because if that's what he does, it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had the same reaction.

