Update !: Middle Bro has correctly noted that the numbers I cited below produce a per-jar cost of $6.25 if ordering 4 jars. This is true. However, I did a bit of rounding on the numbers I cited. The actual cost is $4.49 a jar, plus $5 shipping for up to 4 jars - yielding a price of $5.74 per jar. The per jar price is actually pretty stable to within +/- $0.25 if we order more jars. So however many we order should come out to less than $6 per jar.
So, if anyone is really interested in joining in on this bulk order, leave a post in the comments to tell me know how many jars you'd like, and of which flavor (original bacon, hickory smoked bacon, or peppered bacon). I'll pull the order together, let you know what you owe, and work out a way to get your order to you.

MMMMmmmmmmm..... bacon... Oh Lord, is this the best idea ever? Yes. Yes, it is. Bacon-flavored salt (that's vegetarian, to boot!) Make bacon-flavored popcorn, bacon-flavored french fries, bacon-flavored corn-on-the-cob, bacon-flavored eggs, why the possibilities are endless! And at $5 for a jar, it's reasonably priced for a new item. Now I just have to figure a way to get some without paying an additional $5 shipping on it. (Actually, shipping is 5 bucks for as many as 4 jars. Anybody want in on bacon salt for less than $6 a jar, including shipping?)
I'm in. I'm certain BA wants some too. Who in the heck wouldn't want to make everything taste like bacon?
I am definitely in, especially if you are supporting the purchase by making the price "under $6" versus the $6.25 it actually should be.....
I'm in for 1 original bacon jar. The Boy loves bacon - now he will love everything - mmmm bacon cauliflower
I am for a classic bacon flavored. Why mess with the hickory etc. Can you deliver by thanksgiving? I've always thought that pumpkin pie would be even better with a light taste of bacon :)
BA says YES to anything and everything bacon. I'm in for a jar.
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