
Heroes 1.07

After a particularly unpleasant night (featuring nausea, sleeplessness, and the strange feeling that I had to consciously take each breath), I decided I'd be better off staying home and getting some sleep. So, not much today, but I do have a few thoughts about Heroes.

We learned lots of interesting things last night, not least of which was the probable source of the foretold explosion. Let's call him Radioactive Man. Fittingly, he's dramatically unstable. One weird thing about him, though. As they cut from the shot of him being booked to a shot of Matt the Cop looking in the locker-room mirror, we saw the two images at right. We see the same double hash-mark on the neck of Radioactive Man and the shoulder of Matt the Cop. What the hell is that about? We're clearly supposed to notice it, but I can't figure out what it's supposed to mean. All I can thinkg of is that it's the beginning of a tattoo of the symbol. Perhaps the tattoo is caused by some organism gengineered by Mohinder's father, as a means of marking the superpowered? I know, stupid. So what do you think it is?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I noticed the marks, too. BTW, thanks for getting me hooked on yet another hour of idiot box drama. Not having watched the show up until a couple of weeks ago, I thought I had just missed something as far as the tattoo. And may I just ask for the record, what kind of lame superhero's only power is to read other people's thoughts? I mean, what is THAT about? I'm sure it will all make sense at some point when all the heroes join forces, but right now it's just stupid.

P.S. Hope you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

From what I can gather, the marks are a branding. Both characters are being linked to the Cheerleaders adopted father and each other. So far, two types of distinctive markings have been revealed. More to come. You won't be disappointed.

