
New Grist Beer

Tried a new offering from Lakefront Brewery tonight. Picked it up at the Market Basket on Lisbon Road in Brookfield, WI. It's called New Grist Beer. The label announces that it is "Brewed from Sorghum" and is "A crisp and refreshing session ale brewed without wheat or barley.

The beer was conceived as a gluten-free offering for Celiacs. Technically, this wouldn't qualifiy as beer, but the good folks at Lakefront successfully petitioned the BATF to allow the result of their process to be labelled as "beer". It comes across to me as a very light light beer. A bit of body, a bit of color, a bit of flavor, but not too much. Still, it's clearly beer, and while there isn't much to this beer, it's free of negative flavors, and should appeal to the gluten-restricted drinking public. In fact, it should appeal to the american lager drinking public. Plus, lakefront appears to be readying itself to go nationwide with it. This could turn out to be the product that pushed Lakefront over the top!

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