If you were a partof this debacle, the documents at right will be a blast from the past. Those are scans of the founding charter of the 91st street chapter of the Quality Donut Alliance (QDA). The QDA was set up as a means to get more really good donuts at work, especially donuts from Falls House of Cakes - the ultimate donut shop, in my opinion. And at first it worked. The early members brought in tasty donuts to share with other QDA members. Leftovers were shared at large. But many people joined rather than wait for whatever was left. Unfortunately, those late-comers didn't have the same committment to quality donuts that the original group did. Eventually, people started bringing in crappy stuff instead of quality donuts. I seem to recall some home made brownies appearing. Then, the bitching began. The rules against brining in crap were noted in the charter they'd signed. Still, they bitched. And not to me, but to management. Yes, this glorious experiment in donut ascendancy brought pretty much nothing but hassles. I offer the document for

your perusal. If you start a local branch, please let me know! I wish you much donut luck!
(Click the image for a larger version that's easier to read.)
mmmm - House of Cakes. If you are ever in Slinger, Sweet Creations is almost as good (just north of Hwy 60 on 175). I heard the owner learned the craft at House of Cakes.
Do you also remember the treasure chest of change? Another great experiment in co-worker psychology.
Ah yes, the QDA. Can't believe I didn't join until Oct.?? Bagels were the worst of the offenders in the day, imagine if Krispy Kremes had existed? Such a vile infraction...that would have required a special ammendment.
Dang it! I heard rumors about the existence of the QDC while managing the donut list at my former place of employment. I didn't get any replies at the time I requested it. Can I get a copy? I really miss HOC, and bagels just make me angry.
I clearly meant QDA...I can't think straight thinking about HOC.
Let's see...
re: Sweet Creations... I may have to make an excuse to detour next time I'm heading north. I miss HoC so...
re: the treasure chest of change... the only change I recall was the chest emptying out over the course of a week or two. Bloody nickle thieves!
re: krispy kremes: I agree, the KK "donuts" are almost the antithesis of what the QDA stood for. Of course they have their rabid adherents. I shudder to think of the additional arguments to which the presence of KK in the area would have led.
re: the charter. Sadly, I only have the printed version of the document. Maybe you could run it through an OCR program to dig out the text? But beware! Like any superior theory of living, the QDA is bound to attract dissent. If you implement its glorious precepts, keep your cult restricted to a small group of loyal followers. It's the only way to stay pure!
In the beginning it was a thing of beauty. Then a few mistakes were made. I think something like this needs to be ruled by one person and not a committee. Every one has a diferent idea of what is designated as "crappy". Said ruler needs to squash and remove those who fail to understand or follow the letter of the law.
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