Happy Saint Nicholas’ Day!
Well, old St. Nick visited the Fishmongers’ Place last night. Earlier in the week, stockings had been hung by the firsplace with care, and the old boy pulled through as usual. The Girl’s Stocking had a Disney Fairies book, a Tinkerbell ornament, and assorted treats (nerds rope, reese’s snowman, cookie dipping sticks, and some nasty sweetart goop in a tube). All quite well received. The Boy, being much younger, received pacifiers in lieu of candy, but he also received a Christmas ornament, and a book – tho’ his was a board book. Sounds like TG really like the contents of her stocking this year. Sadly, I was already in my car on the way to work when she got out of bed, so I didn’t get to see it. Still, she called me on my cell and gave me the blow-by-blow, which was almost as good. Kinda sucks to have to work for a living.
PS: Don’t know what I’m talking about?In the US, it seems to be a phenomenon centered around Milwaukee, WI, although it extends throughout Wisconsin, and even through the Chicago area. I see it as Santa doing a warm-up for the Christmas deliveries, but only to certain selected houses, mostly in Wisconsin. He delivers candy, and maybe a small gift or two (a book, a CD, an ornament, something like that) in the early morning hours of December 6th. I know for a fact that he arrived at our house after 2:30 am, because when I was feeding TB at that time (yawn), I realized the stockings were still empty. So, he arrived sometime between then and 5am when my alarm clock went off . Did I mention ‘yawn’?
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