1/2 gallon sweet cider
1 bottle Jamaica rum, bestest
Sugar to taste
Whole cloves
Ground cinnamon and nutmeg
Stick the oranges full of cloves and bake them in the oven until they soften [20-30 minutes at 350 should do the trick]. Place oranges in the punch bowl, pour over them the rum and granulated sugar to taste. Set fire to rum and in a few minutes [ed note: make that seconds; see above] add the cider slowly to extinguish the flame. Stir in cinnamon and nutmeg, and keep the mixture hot.
I am totally making this for Christmas. Y'know... maybe I'd better do a test run first... and I think I'll add fire extinguisher to the list of ingredients. After my last flambe' experience, I think TW may require it!
PS: Speaking of TW.... I'm feeling much better know, as is TG. Sadly, TW and TB are now suffering the pangs of stomach voles, and The Mother-in-Law also seems to be showing symptoms. I just hope I haven't passed the voles on to 1) everyone who was at the Rep on Sunday, 2) everyone in the Disso course today and tommorrow. Poor souls. With the voles. eating holes. in their...bow'ls. Time for bed.
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