
A Visit to the Mall Santa

After a patient wait of 45 minutes TheBoy, two years old, reaches the front of the line and boldly strides up to Santa. Santa boosts him onto his lap. TheBoy suddenly not as brave, stares mutely at TheFishmonger, with a question in his eyes. TheFishmonger answers his gaze with a confident smile. TheBoy looks at Santa, and decides smiling is out of the question.

Santa: And what do you want me to bring you for Christmas?

TheBoy: [mumbles]

Santa: What's that?

TheBoy: [whispering] pamk-akes...

Santa (turning to TheFishmonger): What did he say?

TheFishmonger: pancakes

Santa: pancakes?

TheFishmonger: yep, pancakes.

Santa: we'll mark that as 'subject to change'...

It's strange scenes like this that make me love visiting Santa. Once the kids are both too old to visit him, I may have to start kidnapping strangers' kids, just so I have someone to take to see the old elf. Of course, if Santa thinks "pancakes" is a strange Christmas request, how will he react to "I just want to see my family again"? Not well, I'd guess. I may have to rethink this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When we go to see Santa it's quite an ordeal. The little ones aren't so scared when they all pile on together. :-)

