
When you care enough to hit send

Finally a great new free e-card website! These are the e-cards you really want to send - not just the ones you'll settle for. For instance, view the card sent to me by MiddleBrother on my birthday (September 11th) , at right. Or the card I sent him, inspired by recent developments in the presidential race (below). OK, so maybe they're not appropriate for your 10-year old niece's birthday, but they're perfect for friends and (some) family (your mileage may vary).

This concludes my dump of websites I've recently learned about, and about which I am currently obsessing. We now return you to your regular incoherent and crotchety ranting about the sorry state of the universe. (Quarks!?! Why when I was a boy, we didn't have quarks. We had protons, and neutrons, and we liked it!)


Nemo said...

And now we are back to having no Quark's. Star Trek: The Experience closed at the Las Vegas Hilton September 1st. No more posing with the Gorn. No more fried pipius claw. No more abuse from roving Klingons. And, worst of all, no more "Warp Core Breach", a drink made of 10oz of liquor and dry ice. Sigh.

TheFishmonger said...

I heard there's a new ice cream shop somewhere in chicago. You pick the flavors and mix-ins, they add it to the cream mixture and then shoot in liquid nitrogen. Instant ice cream! Gotta get there. Maybe it will help to sooth your Quark-less sorrows.

