
Kosovo Declares independence from Serbia

Kosovo has declared independence from Serbian, and our National Idiot has informally recognized it. Should this declaration actually lead to full statehood, look for violence to erupt worldwide and the hundreds of secessionist movements already existing worldwide seek to push their advantage. We may expect many new wars to sweep the globe.

How do we justify allowing Kosovo to secede? And now that it seems a done deal, how do we keep it from happening here? Or are we willing to let the american southwest become an independent nation, should the resident mexicans there start harassing and killing the local anglos in the same way that the albanian ethnics have been harassing and killing the local serbs?
(Above: a photo from espritdecorps.ca, showing a serbian monastary in Kosovo which was burned by a mob of 200 albanians. The UN guard stationed there successfully evacuated the priests residing there without anyone being killed.)

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