
Peace Pole Project

I built myself a peace pole a couple of weeks ago, but only just got around to taking pictures this weekend. A peace pole is basically just a pole, with the affirmation 'May peace prevail on earth.' on it in one or more languages. I think it's a pretty positive wish. Who doesn't want peace?! Sure, we pretty much all disagree on the perfect way to get there, but we all want peace. OK, it's kind of a hippy-dippy thing to do, but for some reason it speaks to me. I like it.

I pieced together a little photo collage of the pole; have a look below. We decided to represent each of the nationalities in our family on the pole, plus english, since that's what we actually speak. Left to right in the pic, the sections say 'May peace prevail on earth' in Norwegian, Scottish, Bohemian, English, Serbian, Polish, German and French. OR check out my flickr set of the pole.

While you can buy peace poles in a variety of materials (around $200 on up to many thousands), mine is just a well-dried pressure treated 4x4, coated with deck sealant, with the phrases painted on in black. A coat of poly finish over the whole thing seals it and a copper final tops it off. I trimmed my 4x4 to about 7' height, and a 3' 4x4 anchor holds it in place.

PS: Thanks to the World Peace Project for this list of translations, and for digging up this translation of their trademark phrase 'May peace prevail on earth' in Scottish Gaelic: Guma Fada Bhios Sìth air anTalamh.

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