
Mutating Faces

Boingboing turned me on to this cool timewaster yesterday. It's at mutatingpictures.com. You rate pictures based on how much they look like human faces. The site started with a screen full of random triangles but, those that get higher votes have more offspring (asexual reproduction). By lunchtime today, many of the pics have a sort of Cartoon Samurai look. I can't wait to see how it looks by tommorrow. Even this morning, most of the faces had eyes that were a single black triangle. But now, at lunch time, outlined eyes are beginning to appear. It's really wild. Check out these screen caps - an initial image at left, and a recent one at right. Dramatic improvement in faciness in just one day!
UPDATE: A second set of faces and a set of animals is now cycling through the site. Check it!

1 comment:

Shevy said...

I'd like to thank you for another way to waste time!!!

