
Science Tattoos

Recently, I've been thinking of getting a tattoo. Trouble is, after a few months, I get bored with most graphic images, and tattoos are notoriously difficult to remove.

Anyway, whilst surfing today, I came across this flickr set - science tattoos. Some pretty neat ideas. Maybe a molecule tattoo! Now why didn't I think of that? But which molecule? Or more likely, I'll just go with a Trogdor tattoo (with consumate Vs!). More likely yet, I'll chicken out and never get one at all. Well, it's nice to think about anyway.

Tattoo suggestions welcome in the comments!


Shevy said...

I have a great idea for your tattoo... the a. You know which one. The one you love to see every weekday morning. My hubby said there is a job opening at his work in Milwaukee. It's a second shift though. If you're interested let me know! Have a great labor day weekend!!!

THANK YOU for your donation too! It means a lot coming for you since you're dealing with CHW too!

Shell said...

If you get the "a" tattoo, you can also attach a ball and chain to it. :) I'm with ya on the tats...they are cool but who wants to look at the same picture over and over. You also have to think how they'll look in the distant future...wrinkled and all.

Shelley (ur unemployed former co-worker)

Anonymous said...

A woman I work with walked by me yesterday and yelled "I said consumate V's, consumate V's" Yes the BURNiNATOR is legendary in our lab. :-)

