
Bristol Ren Faire

Visited the Ren Fair this weekend. It was me, my wife and daughter, my mother-in-law and my parents. Zack was with the babysitter, and it was lovely. I'd never have made it an hour with him along. As it was, we had loads of fun! Glassblowing demo, wall climbing for TheGirl (and a freebie for her Grandma), scattered bits of several shows (Zilch the Torysteller, Tartanic, Molly and the Tinker, and so on) a visit to the nobles, loads of bad-for-me food (garlic mushrooms, sassafrass, cheese puffs, pickles on a stick, the list goes on and on). (Oh yeah, we saw Viola Zupa, too!) A lovely, and exhausting day. As usual, clicking on the mosaic will take you to the flickr set.

1 comment:

Viola Zuppa said...

Who me? At the Renaissance Faire? What a coincidence that we were there on the same day!


