
Composition Assignment

Today's essay assignment. Compare and contrast the following two quotations from literary works:

"Thou should'st go mad, blacksmith; say, why dost thou not go mad? How can'st thou endure without being mad? Do the heavens yet hate thee, that thou can'st not go mad?"
- Captain Ahab, Moby Dick, by Herman Melville

"The point is, you see," said Ford, "that there is no point in driving yourself mad trying to stop yourself going mad. You might just as well give in and save your sanity for later."
-Ford Prefect, Life, The Universe, and Everything ,by Douglas Adams

Responses may be posted in the comments, or mailed to me.


TheFishmonger said...

Given that Melville lines are reminding me of Douglas Adams lines, I'd say that I've no reason to worry about not being able to go mad. Eh?

word verification definition: kwenq, verb, to cause pain in one's throat by taking an oversized swallow of a beverage due to extreme thirst (from the Swahili 'kwe enqe', meaning pierced neck)

Anonymous said...

Should'st and can'st, two words I really have to add’st to my vocabulary.

