
Interactive Johari/Nohari Windows

UPDATE: This seems to go down a lot, but as of 7:00 wednesday morning, it's up. Thanks!

OK, this is a little threatening, but I think I'll give it a shot. It's called a Johari Window. If you click on the link, you'll see a list of positive attributes. Click on the five or six that you think best describe me. Please enter a nonsense string as your name. I don't want to know who said what.

Then, if you're still up to it, visit my nohari window. It's a list of antonymns to the johari list. Again, click the five or six that describe me best, and enter a string of random characters as your name. I really don't want to know who said what.

The point of all this is to see if you perceive yourself as others do. Likely answer: no. It'll be interesting to see what comes of it.

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