
Clinere Ear-Brush

I stumbled across a new product the other day, and I just had to share it with my Dear Readers. It's the new "Clinere Ear-Brush ear cleaning shower brush-set". I have to admit, I'm somewhat at a loss as to why anyone would need a special brush for cleaning their ears, especially one specifically designed for use in the shower (note the shower hook). The back of the package makes it clear that the brush is to be used only on the outer surfaces of the ear. I believe that this is the typical product liability ploy practiced by Q-tip and other cotton swab companies: "Please buy our device which is conveniently sized to fit into your ear canal, but under no circumstances should you place it into your ear canal!" As strange as the product and front of the package appear, the back is so brilliant that I almost fear it was purposely made to entertain. My favorite bit is the descriptive paragraph before the instructions:

Designed and developed as an effective way of scrubbing the hard to reach areas of ones "own" ears. Simple to use, clean, safe, comfortable and disposable. For cleaning and maintaining ear health and hygiene.
Um...why is 'own' in quotes? Does this indicate that we may have ears that, while not technically our own, are considered so for daily convenience? Perhaps the product is being geared at bullfighters who need to clean the trophy ears of bulls they've fought? Or is there some niche fetish market that needs to clean the latex duplicates they've made of ears they found particularly attractive? On further reflection, I've decided I don't want to know.

I also love the generic name listed for the product: "ear cleaning shower brush-set". AS if someone else is going to want to market these, and the company is worried someone might try to steal their clever name: Ear-Brush. TThe company name is so cute, too. 'Clinere'. Maybe I'm slow, but I didn't realize 'til I said it out loud. clinere--> clin ere --> clean ear. Hilarious! And lest you think that Clinere is a one-product company, we're directed to the corporate website, where we also learn about EarTips, which appear to be special form of Q-tip with a scooped end for digging. Another brilliant idea from Clinere. Stock up now, while the initial production run lasts!

UPDATE (06 NOV06): Can someone please leave me a comment to fill me in on why this page is getting so many hits lately? I mean, this post if from 11 months ago, and NOW it starts getting hits? Whats up?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Itchy ears from hands-free sets?

